
The sun rising behind the silhouette of a group of trees

Hello and welcome to the News and Updates section of cribe.ca. This News and Updates section will house all CRIBE news, from project updates to innovation challenges and much more. First, we’d like to introduce you to CRIBE.

Ontario’s leading forest-based innovation accelerator.

As an independent, non-profit corporation, The Centre for Research and Innovation in the Bio-Economy, CRIBE, supports and develops a sustainable, profitable provincial forest bio-economy. We bring together researchers, forest sector and end-users to create and commercialize innovative forest-based, low-carbon solutions.

Our vision is to create and support a dynamic, collaborative network of stakeholders in Ontario’s forest bio-economy, acting as a catalyst to accelerate innovation, productivity, sustainability and profitability in the sector.


Over the last few years, CRIBE has driven innovation in Ontario through its main initiatives; Project Support, the Nextfor network, the Forest EDGE and our International Collaboration efforts.

Learn more about our Initiatives

In 2022 we created our new strategic plan which will guide our work over the next five years. We have identified four priority areas; demonstrate, lead, deploy and sustain. These priority areas will help to focus our activities and enable us to work towards our vision.

Read our Strategic Plan

Stay tuned for News and Updates!